Tuesday 19 June 2007


I am sure this happens to every one of us,suddenly arbit words come and get stuck in our limited resource brains..this is exactly what happened to me today.Out of the blue,the word "Danish",got stuck in my head..i knew this was a language spoken in country,where the countrymen are called 'Danes' like Indians in India.I also knew Scooby-Dooo is a great dane,which means this breed of dogs originated from the same country,but some how,the name of the country eluded me completely.Hence,me and my creative brain set about thinking of an appropriate name for the country where Danish is spoken and the countrymen are called danes and their dogs are deemed greater than its countrymen and are called Great Danes..The task seemed more important,when i realised they have given us the buttery,melty Danish cookies,How could i leave this country nameless??it would be a grave grave mistake to do so..and hence began my quest to name or rather rename this country to my whim and fancy.Before the right name,that is Denmark struck my dandy head,i must ve thought atleast ten other names for the country..

Dandia like India
Dance like france
Dana like china
danny like germany
Danico like mexico
Danpan like japan
Danland like england
Danbia like zambia
Danzil like brazil
Danway like norway

Believe me,you,i actually thought of such ludicrous names ,before realising that my effort will go futile,if i do not use the magic powers of google and wikipedia.
Now i know,I have the power.
May the force be with you..

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