"Oiii Idiot come down near the Pav-Bhaji wala for a suttaa,Come fast!!!We are already there."I kept the phone down and gathered my measly belongings into a mangy black purse and ran down.Of course not before the new number lock gave me trouble and me cursing it for what it is.As i ran down,I had to meet random people I wouldn't have ,and all of whom had to choose that time to make polite conversation with me.All this done.I raced towards the gate and they were stepping back in.I was trying to manhandle the group and push them back out of the gate when one of them screamed "surprise!!!!" ,even if figuratively and not literally.She pulled out a Candy pink bottle of Absolut raspberry .All our breaths stuck in our throats for just a brief second in wt seemed like an eternity .Common sense prevailed and all of us shooshed her into putting the booty back into the safe confines of the bag,lest the lechy eyes of the guards fall upon them.We had a tough time deciding if grape juice or Orange juice would go with a raspberry flavoured drink and ended up getting both.
The road outside was dark and the weather balmy .This is not the ideal waether the city always went through in winters."Darn!!!Blame it on global warming."We walked as the breeze rustled the leaves on the trees and bushes lining the broad boulevard.We found a spot on the pavement which was obscure and well lit by the moon light flooding the place.We sat there made our drinks,sipped on it,talked about random things,laughed on bad jokes and tried making cheap digs at each other ,cringed everytime a car drove past us and took photos of our attempt at rebellion.
Just as the clock struck 12 in the Cinderella story,It struck 10.30 and all of us had meetings to attend.We left as we came in and that was the end of that.
We never remember our past as a whole ,but as moments bubble wrapped and stored away for eternity.This moment was definitely one of those moments for me.